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The 5 Most Interesting Facts About What Hedged Funds Are

Have you been having bad experiences with other blogs in getting some of the fascinating and intriguing facts you need to know about hedged funds and what they are or are you lost in your quest to understand hedged funds?


Well, it’s all right cause you are in the right place to complete your quest, because this blog post is going to break down some of the most interesting facts about hedged funds: what is it, some of the controversial facts about it, and lots more.

In fact, these same things have been proven by many financial experts to be a must-know for anyone looking to go into hedge funds and it also helped me back in 2016 when I was just newly getting started with hedge funds.

Some of the key takeaways to keep in mind from this blog post are [

The meaning of hedge fund is capital that accepts both short and long positions, buys and sells proprietorship, inaugurates arbitrage, and barter bonds, currencies, convertible securities, commodities, and derivative products to make a profit at lessened risk.

The types of hedge funds are Global macro hedge funds, activist hedge funds, event-driven hedge funds, and relative value hedge funds (arbitrage).

There are 6 main strategies that hedge funds use, they are  Capital structure strategies, Global macro strategies, Event-driven strategies, Long/short strategies, Relative value arbitrage strategies, and Directional strategies.


I would recommend you read this blog post to the end and try not to miss any parts because I am going to be sharing with you a bonus tip which is going to be

about how hedge funds make their money? and other fascinating facts about them and if you read it to the end, I promise you it will all make sense to you. So what are we waiting for?

Let's dive right in!

So before we even start talking about some of the most fascinating facts about hedged funds. Clarity demands that we start with some basic key knowledge we should know about hedged funds. As a famous quote goes “A lack of clarity could put the brakes on any journey to success”.

First off we are going to start off with the definition of hedged funds and move on to the types of hedge funds, strategies that hedge funds use, and lastly how they make their money. Before entering the intriguing facts about them

What are hedge funds?

What is hedge fund image

Hedge funds are capital that accepts both short and long positions, buys and sells proprietorship, inaugurates arbitrage, and barter bonds, currencies, convertible securities, commodities, and derivative products to make a profit at lessened risk.

What are the types of hedge funds?

the types of hedge funds infographics

They are basically three types of hedge funds. They are:

1. Global macro hedge funds 

Global macro funds are different investment scheme that supports globally established on comprehensive macro-driven motif such as monetary policy, interest rates, inflation, unemployment, and politics.

2. Relative value hedge fund

A relative value fund is an actively controlled investment pool that seeks to utilize short-term variance in the prices of correlated securities. This way of investing is most times used by hedge funds.

3. Activist hedge fund

 An activist hedge fund earns sizable stakes in corporations to achieve functioning/economic impact and convinces Councils and administration teams to enact their preferred modifications; 

What are the strategies hedge funds use?

hedge fund strategy infographics

Hedge funds basically rely on 6 basic strategies and they are as follows:

1. Global macro strategies

For the successful enactment of a multinational macro technique, fund managers have to study different macroeconomic and geopolitical factors.

A global macro strategy is an investment and trading technique that is established on the understanding of big macroeconomic occurrences on the federal, provincial, and international scale. 

2. Directional hedge fund strategies

Unlike classical joint funds, equity market directional hedge funds usually:

  • take short positions as well as long,

  • use derivatives (mostly options),

  • have consolidated portfolios.

They describe the most typical hedge fund strategy company. Mainly bartering commodities, they are like classical stock joint funds, but they generally have more independence and more intrepidity in their trading tactics.

3. Event-driven hedge fund strategies

An event-driven strategy is a kind of investment approach that tries to take the edge of transient stock mispricing, which can happen before or after a corporate occasion takes place.

4. Relative value arbitrage strategies

Relative-value arbitrage is an investment strategy that aims to seize the advantage of price differentials between interconnected monetary tools, such as stocks and bonds, by simultaneously purchasing and marketing the different securities—thereby allowing investors to potentially benefit from the “comparative value” of the two securities.

5. Long/short strategies

A long-short equity strategy is an investment technique that seeks to accomplish favorable returns by taking both long and short positions on an exact company. An investor who takes a long position on a firm thinks that the enterprise’s share cost will go up and have favorable returns.

6. Capital structure strategies

Capital structure strategy is the distinct fusion of debt and equity utilized by a firm to sponsor its general operations and is a fairly popular strategy but effective.

Now that we have some basic knowledge of what a hedge fund is, let's move on to the focal point of this blog post which is about the most fascinating facts about hedge funds.

Starting from the least to first most fascinating fact about hedge funds is one of the most widely controversial and anticipated debates between hedge funds vs mutual funds 

5. Hedge fund vs mutual fund

mutual fund vs hedge fund image


It’s no fluke that hedge fund has a variety of contentious topics about it and, hedge fund vs mutual fund is one of their most popular. Considering other common controversies are hedge fund vs mutual fund vs etf. But what really makes these two funds different? and why do some people prefer one over the other? Let’s find out!

What is a mutual fund?

A mutual fund is a monetary vehicle that pools investments from shareholders to support securities like stocks, bonds, funds market tools, and different assets.

What are Hedged funds?

Hedge funds are capital that accepts both short and long positions, buys and sells proprietorship, inaugurates arbitrage, and barter bonds, currencies, convertible securities, commodities, and derivative products to make a profit at lessened risk.

The main differences

Mutual funds:

  • Don't take share from the yield

  • Are open to the general masses

  • Levy an administration fee (usually 1–2%)

  • Can't assemble high-risk investments

  • Tend to function worse than hedge funds

Hedge funds:

  • Take a 20% commission fee from the earnings

  • Are open solely to high-net-worth and genteel investors

  • Charge management fee normally 2% plus performance fee normally 10–30%

  • Can make high-risk investments

  • Tend to function better than mutual funds

They are also a couple of other things that they have their differences in, like investment strategies, investors, investment, fees, holding period and national regulation.

4. Hedge fund list

What is the hedge fund list?

The hedge fund list is a list of some of the richest and largest hedge funds and their managers

Hedge fund managers are known for their competitive efforts to achieve greatness and this has led them to earn a spot in the Forbes magazine a list of the richest hedge fund managers in the world.

Below are the 20 largest hedge funds in the world indexed by discretionary assets under management (AUM) as of mid-2022. Just assets in private funds following hedge fund strategies are calculated. Some of these managers also handle public funds and offer non-hedge fund strategies.




AUM as of the second quarter of 2023

(millions of USD)


Bridgewater Associates

United States Westport, CT



Man Group

United Kingdom London, UK



Renaissance Technologies

United States East Setauket, NY



Millennium Management, LLC

United States New York City, NY



Citadel LLC

United States Miami, FL



D. E. Shaw & Co.

United States New York City, NY



Two Sigma

United States New York City, NY



Davidson Kempner Capital Management

United States New York City, NY



Farallon Capital

United States San Francisco, CA



The Children's Investment Fund Management

United Kingdom London, UK



Marshall Wace

United Kingdom London, UK




United Kingdom London, UK



AQR Capital

United States Greenwich, CT



Anchorage Capital Group

United States New York City, NY



Baupost Group

United States Boston, MA



Point72 Asset Management

United States Stamford, CT



Capula Investment Management

United Kingdom London, UK



Wellington Management Company

United States Boston, MA



Brevan Howard

United Kingdom London, UK




United States Newport Beach, CA


3. Hedge fund yearly returns

hedge funds yearly return infographics

What is a hedge fund's yearly return

The annual return is the return that an investment supplies over a span of time, represented as a time-weighted yearly ratio. Origins of returns can comprise of dividends, returns of capital, and capital appreciation.

Yearly returns of hedge funds being the earnings of a hedge fund annually is an important thing to know before deciding to acquire a hedge fund. The most profitable hedge fund yearly return can earn 25% - 35% over 20yrs. But every year is unlike. Look at Soros having years of over 100% returns.

Here are some names to examine; Jesse Livermore, Bernard Baruch, George Soros, Stanley Druckenmiller, Paul Tudor Jones, Julian Robertson, John Templeton, Ray Dalio, John Law, Jim Rodgers… 

2. Hedge fund vs Investment bank

hedge funds vs investment banks image

Another controversial topic about hedge funds is the comparison between hedge funds and investment banks. let’s approach this one by knowing the meaning of both terms and determining which one is better through a couple of factors. Then you can now choose within yourself which one is better. let’s get started!

Meaning of hedge fund

A hedge fund is a capital that accepts short and long positions, buys and sells proprietorship, inaugurates arbitrage, and barter bonds, currencies, convertible securities, commodities, and derivative products to make a profit at lessened risk.

Meaning of investment bank

It is an investment material made with the exclusive intent of assembling investors' money and investing that finances collectively via a portfolio of financial tools such as stocks, bonds, and other securities.

Which is Better?

Am not going to decide which one is better for you I will only share some of the key differences with you and you will choose for yourself which one is preferable for you but here is what you should know if you still don’t mind.

If you are a high-risk investor(someone who invests in high risky investments) I recommend going with hedge funds because they chase the big fish – investments that are high risk, high reward.  But if you are the type of person that loves safe and secure investments then mutual funds is a good go for you.

How compare to Hedge Funds and Investment Banks?

Although those definitions of hedge fund and investment bank absolutely define the functions of the two, it can still be a little convoluted to comprehend how the two go together. Take a look at the diagram below for a side-by-side comparison of hedge fund and investment banking by various classifications:

Hedge Fund

Investment Bank


A group that invests in financial products via investors’ pooled funds

Financial arbitrator proposing investment and advisory services


Increase yield for investors as fast as possible

Growth, security, and general earnings


Extremely high

Minimal in comparison


Liquid assets

Various; stock selling, locating investing companions, etc


Short term

Long term

1. Meaning

In hedge funds, investors’ capital pools jointly to invest. Comparatively, investment banks utilize the capital from the person or organization to propose financial advisory and investing assistance.

2. Focus

The primary purpose of hedge funds is to get large returns in the tiniest amount of time. Contrary to that is investment banking, which aims to concentrate on security and incremental growth over time.

3. Risk

Increased risk and increased reward is the name of the game for hedge funds. On the other hand, investment banks tend to have more power and, as a result, smaller risk concerns.

4. Investment

Hedge funds seek highly liquid investments, while investment banks tend to offer plans loaded with stocks and shares from numerous investment choices for safety.

5. Engagement

By having a concentration that fibs on contrasting ends of the scope, hedge funds are interested in short-term earnings, and investment banks prefer to concentrate their time and power on long-term investments.

And The no.1 most interesting fact you need to know about what hedge funds are, is what are hedge funds really used for.

1.  What are hedge funds used for?

You might think hedge funds have one of the most astonishing purposes but guess what? hedge fund's goal is to increase investors’ earnings and completely remove the odds of risk. If this arrangement and these purposes sound a lot like those of joint funds, they are, but that's where the similitudes end. Hedge funds are normally assumed to be better assertive, risky, and exclusive than mutual funds.

Well, you might think I forgot your bonus tip, but no.

Here it goes.

Bonus Fact: How do hedge funds make their money?

Hedge funds earn funds by levying a Management Fee and a Commission Fee.  While these payments differ by budget, they naturally run 2% and 20% of investments under administration. Pretty cool right?

Management Fees: This fee is computed as a ratio of investments under management.  Normally this correlates to 2% but can vary from 1% to 4% depending on the budget. 

Performance Fees: This fee is figured as a quota of the fund's earnings.  This is an inducement fee: if the budget makes capital they will get paid, if not they won’t. This incentive fee motives the fund to generate surplus yields. 


Some of the key takeaways to keep in mind from this blog post are [

The meaning of hedge fund is capital that accepts both short and long positions, buys and sells proprietorship, inaugurates arbitrage, and barter bonds, currencies, convertible securities, commodities, and derivative products to make a profit at lessened risk.

The types of hedge funds are Global macro hedge funds, activist hedge funds, event-driven hedge funds, and relative value hedge funds (arbitrage).

There are 6 main strategies that hedge funds use, they are  Capital structure strategies, Global macro strategies, Event-driven strategies, Long/short strategies, Relative value arbitrage strategies, and Directional strategies.


I would recommend you read this blog post to the end and try not to miss any parts because I am going to be sharing with you a bonus tip which is going to be

about how hedge funds make their money? and other fascinating facts about them if you’ve already skipped some parts please go back to check it out I promise you it will all make sense to you if you've read it.

And if you consider or think of this post as helpful or if you gained something from this post please do good to the world to hit that share button

“The miracle is this: The more we share the more we have.”

— Leonard Nimoy

if you also think something is missing from this list, comment below in the comment section and if you want to receive more quality content like this delivered to your inbox at your own comfort, Subscribe to our email list and boom! you are set for financial aptitude.



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